
Our goal is to enable scoliosis patients to live a freer and pain-free life. Our innovative brace manufacturing is an important part of holistic therapy to counteract the progression of scoliosis at an early stage.

Scoliosis detection

Early detection of scoliosis sets the course for successful treatment. Through regular observation of your posture and simple tests, atypical changes can be easily detected. Our experts will be happy to help you.
Illustrierter Rumpf von hinten in Brand Farben

In a standing posture the head and hips form a straight line. The torso is symmetrically aligned, the shoulders and pelvis are in line and the shoulders are straight.

Illustrierter Rumpf von hinten in Brand Farben, Fokus liegt auf der Wirbelsäule
Possible scoliosis

Even slight deviations can indicate scoliosis, such as sloping shoulders or when the head is outside the centre of the buttocks.

Illustrierter, gebückter Rumpf von hinten in Brand Farben
Possible scoliosis

Asymmetry and initial hunching of the thoracic spine are strong signs of scoliosis. They are usually located in the thoracic spine and are accompanied by asymmetrical shoulders.

Tief gebückter, illustrierter Rumpf von hinten in Brand Farben
Possible scoliosis

If there is asymmetry in the lumbar region of the spine, a hunchback is also possible. This is usually in the area of the lumbar spine in combination with an uneven waist.

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Get advice

Individual analysis and professional advice are very important for scoliosis. Our experts take a holistic approach to your request and help you on your way to a free life.

Therapy of scoliosis
Scoliosis is treatable and a mobile life is possible. We help you holistically and accompany you on your way in the long term.
Orthotic treatment

Early orthotic treatment is essential for limiting scoliosis during the growth phase. Our braces are custom-made and ensure an optimal fit for everyday life without any restrictions.


Physiotherapy is an important component in the treatment of scoliosis. Special approaches, such as the so-called Schroth therapy, have exercises ready to help straighten the spine. We are happy to help you find suitable partners.

Psychological support

Those affected are often under pressure due to the disease or wearing a corset. Therefore, professional support within the framework of psychotherapy can be useful. We look for the right help together.

Our braces

Our braces guarantee maximum comfort and thus optimally support patients in everyday life. They meet the highest quality standards of orthopaedic technology and guarantee every patient the freedom for a better life.

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Frequently asked questions
How do I get used to the scolio RSC® brace?
To help you get used to your brace, it is important to follow certain rules in the first few weeks. The basic rule is: don't overdo it and still be determined to achieve the wearing time you need. Initially, the brace is worn at night, then in the afternoons and finally in the mornings. When you have taken your scolio RSC® brace home with you, you can take your time again and put it on as explained to you at the fitting. Take it off again after 30-45 minutes. Then put it on again when you go to sleep. Now you have three options:

1. you still can't sleep after an hour and a half: then take the brace off.
2. you fall asleep and wake up during the night: If you feel uncomfortable or in pain, take the brace off.
3. sleep through the night until the next morning. You may now feel tired. This is nothing unusual or worrying. The tiredness comes from the work that the many small muscles in the spine and between the ribs are doing to move your rib cage and spine into the correction areas. It can sometimes feel like sore muscles. However, this effect should disappear after a short time.
Why are there free spaces in my scolio RSC® brace?
The free spaces (so-called expansion zones) of your scolio RSC® brace are an important and characteristic component. If you do physiotherapy according to Schroth, you will recognise this very quickly. The brace is designed in such a way that you are pushed into the expansion zones with every breath. This mechanism is achieved by blocking the movements into the incorrect posture. The unrestricted movement of your ribcage and spine into the free spaces must always be guaranteed. So if you practise physiotherapy according to the Schroth or BSRS (Barcelona Scoliosis Rehabilitation School) concept, which is based on the teachings of Katharina Schroth and Christa Lehnert-Schroth, this is the optimal combination for correcting your spine and ribcage.
How do I put on my scolio RSC® brace?
Fitting your brace correctly is the basis for it to work effectively. In the initial phase (approx. 1-2 weeks) it makes a lot of sense to put on your scolio RSC® brace lying down. This is for the following reasons:

- Your spine relaxes when you lie down. You can increase this effect by bending your legs so that the bending angle of your hip joints is approx. 80°.
- When lying down, it is easier for you to find the right position in the brace. You can then learn very quickly through your body awareness where the pressure zones need to be and how the free spaces work.
- Make sure that you position your brace at the correct height. If it sits too low, it can lead to pressure pain on the iliac crests. It also works much better if it is positioned carefully. Your prosthetist will explain to you where the pressure zones are and how your scolio RSC® brace works during the fitting.
What are the wearing times of my scolio RSC® brace?
The wearing times depend on certain parameters of your curvature and your age. Your treatment team, which ideally consists of trained physiotherapists, orthopaedic technicians and a doctor, will determine the wearing time for you based on these values.
How often should I attend check-ups?
Regular check-ups of your corset and your back are essential for the success of the brace treatment. Your orthopaedic technician will inform you of the check-up dates. However, you should visit the technician for a check-up at least every 3 months. This is particularly important during the main growth phase. Your doctor should also regularly monitor your progress. Nowadays, there are interesting methods for visualising the spine without X-rays. At the check-up appointments, the doctor will check what needs to be changed in the brace so that it can be optimally adjusted for you again after growth phases or corrections that have been achieved.
How is the brace prepared for the X-ray check?
You should have your brace checked by your orthopaedic technician before the X-ray check. It is important that the brace fits and functions correctly before the X-ray. As a rule, metal markings are applied which can later be recognised on the X-ray image. These help to localise the various correction zones of your corset in relation to the spine.
How do I clean my brace?
You should clean your brace regularly. It is best to clean it according to how much you use it. Daily cleaning does no harm. pH-neutral soaps (e.g. your shower gel) are generally suitable for this. You can use it to moisten a cloth and wash out your brace. For ‘general cleaning’, it won't harm your brace if you put it in the shower.
Why do I need the brace shirt?
Brace shirts are worn to protect the skin. They have no seams in the pressure zones and are made of particularly elastic materials. The elasticated materials of the brace shirts prevent creases from forming. Creases can damage your skin. Even if you wear brace shirts, you must always make sure that no creases form. There are particularly fashionable brace shirts that have special protective flaps under the armpits. These protect you from the brace edges in the armpit area.
How do I care for my skin?
As a general rule, you should always check the exposed areas of skin when you take off your brace or if you feel anything uncomfortable. This way you can prevent overstressing and injuring your skin and the underlying tissue. You should clean the areas of skin stressed by your brace every day. For daily body care, it is recommended that you use pH-neutral soaps and shower gels. If you use body creams, you must make sure that the areas where the pressure zones of your corset are located on the skin are ventilated and dry. If the skin in these areas is still too moist or oily, it will be less able to withstand the pressure and irritation may occur. Daily body care and cleaning of the corset are very important, as the deposited body salts caused by sweating can lead to unpleasant skin irritation. Harsh and aggressive cleaning agents can also have the same effect. There are special preparations and applications that can be used to toughen the skin. It is best to ask your orthopaedic technician what they can recommend.
How do I maintain my scolio RSC® brace?
In addition to cleaning your scolio RSC® brace, you should also check the additional pads and other modifications. The protective and corrective pads can sometimes come loose and affect the function of your brace. If they become detached or very dirty, you can have them replaced by your orthopaedic technician. This also applies to the velcro fasteners. If they are dirty, they can no longer close the brace tightly enough. So make sure that they do not loosen when worn. You can prolong the life of the velcro fasteners by always keeping them fastened, even when you are not wearing your brace.
How do I realise that my scolio RSC® Brace no longer fits?
- Sudden pressure points on bony prominences or unusual places
- The brace no longer offers enough room to breathe
- Your brace no longer overlaps - or overlaps considerably (when closing)
- Length growth of more than 3 cm
What is a pressure point?
Pressure points can generally occur when wearing braces. Some are intentional and are a sign of whether and how the brace is working. This is like, for example, the imprint formed by a shoe fastener on the foot or the reddening on the stomach when you take off your trousers. Pressure marks are problematic if the redness is extremely dark red or if the skin surface has abrasions. If this is the case, it is essential to adjust the brace. In particular, the holding and pressure zones of braces are usually reddened by wearing them. If you wear your scolio RSC® brace regularly, the skin in these areas may become slightly darker in colour. This is a great protective mechanism for the skin, which reacts to the pressure of the brace so that you can cope with it better. The darkening of the skin will disappear after your brace has been removed.
Our holistic approach
Individual analysis
Orthopaedic conditions are as individual as the patients themselves. That is why our support always begins with a personal consultation and a professional analysis. This takes place directly with us or with the support of one of our worldwide partners.
Holistic treatment strategy
We create a personal, holistic treatment plan for each patient. Through this comprehensive therapy strategy and our innovative fabrications, we achieve the best possible results.
Orthopaedic design
Our highly qualified team always focuses on purposeful and highly individual product development and uses a wide range of specialized software solutions. This enables us to provide even CAD-inexperienced partners and their patients with cutting-edge results.
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Handmade production
Our technical expertise, combined with orthopaedic know-how, allows us to offer the best solution for patients. All our products are handmade and finalised directly on the patient's body at the end of the process. For a better life with maximum freedom.
Personal check-ups
Each fabrication is fitted to the patient at our headquarters or via our partners and regularly checked throughout the therapy. In this way, we guarantee lifelong and worldwide treatment safety.
Advanced network education
Since the beginning, we have been working on a worldwide network of specialists and are in constant exchange with today 58 global expert centres. Our partners are trained at our headquarters through regular seminars and advanced trainings.
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